Monday, February 8, 2021

Music Marketing Blog Post #2

    The first step in beginning our project was the research we had to do. As a group, we researched how artists in the pop culture, such as Lady Gaga, marketed themselves as well as the record label companies that they were signed for. Through this research, we discovered ways in which we could market ourselves as well as ideas for how we should make our music video, either promotional or artistic. Ultimately, we decided to go for a promotional type of video, seeing as we wanted to give the band a sense of normal. This way, people could relate to the band more since we were just like any regular people.

    Next, we had to brainstorm what we actually wanted to do for the music video. We wanted the whole group to be together for it, so we decided to go to the regional park so that we could all film together. We brought a couple of instruments to the park, as well as fake ones from video games, but ultimately decided to use the gaming ones due to the fact that we didn't have enough actual instruments. We scouted around the regional park for a while looking for the locations that we wanted to film at and then go to filming. A problem we encountered was that we had limited time due to all of us having different schedules, but we made it all work with the time that we had. Another problem we faced was lighting. We fixed this by using the headlights of the car in the areas that we needed more light. However, the battery of the car died so we had to jump-start it. 

    In post-production, we came across one main problem. A lot of our shots were very similar. This made the music video a bit hard to make because we wanted to have more variety and not have the video look very boring. This was solved by having solo shots of the band members as well as trying to incorporate shots that were meant to be later in the video. This helped us add more cuts so that the video wasn't looking like one long recording with a couple of cuts in it. 

    In the making of the presentation, we all split up what we had to do so that we could get everything we needed. We created a couple of possible pieces of merchandise that the band would sell such as the t-shirt and the skateboard. We also created an image of what the website for our band could look like as well as what would be on there. The presentation included our explanation for why we choose to make the music video promotional and how it served as a marketing tool for our band. I believe that we communicated pretty well on this part of the project.

    Overall, the group worked pretty well together. We did everything that we needed to do on time and made sure everyone in the group knew what was going on. One thing that this project helped me learn is that there are many different ways to market yourself as an artist and that thinking outside the box is always an option. I also learned that many record label companies often take advantage of the artists that they sign, so it might be a better option to learn how to market yourself. Something from this project that may help me in the making of my Cambridge portfolio is the researching portion. Research is most definitely needed when making the Cambridge portfolio and this extra practice of having to research something media-related definitely didn't hurt.



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