Today, my crew and I went to go filming again at the location since we were all available for filming today. We continued and redid some of the shots which we had done yesterday and tried to fix up a couple of things that we had noticed we needed to fix. One of these things included continuity errors in which one of the actors had a beanie on which showed a design and then switched it so the design wasn't visible, so we had to fix up the shot we had in which the design showed. The filming process was quite fun today and we had a fun time goofing around a bit with each other as well as laughing at when we would mess up takes. We got a good amount of the filming which needs to be done at this location done today, but we are going to go one more time to finish up the shots as well as fix up a couple things that I realized needed to be done. For example, I wanted to get another take of a specific shot I took which originally I thought looked good, but I feel like it may need something such as a different angle. Overall, the filming went well today other than the couple of cuts I got from all the vegetation.
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